
Churchfields Allotments

Weybridge Charity owns and manages the Churchfields Allotments, which has over 240 plots. The Charity arranges letting of the plots, collection of rents, site maintenance, the supply of water and general supervision of the site.

It is the declared intention of the Trustees of Weybridge Charity to retain Churchfields allotments as allotment land. This maintains the history of green land in the centre of Weybridge, and open views from Churchfields Park across the allotments towards St James’ Church.

Eligibility for an allotment plot is limited to those having a home address in the KT13 postcode area. 

Allotment plots come in varying sizes. 

Limited availability of Full size plots is provided for those serious gardeners wanting to allocate lots of time to working the plot and to enjoy the physical, mental and social benefits – and the bountiful harvests.

Half and Quarter size plots are more plentiful and are designed for families and those who cannot devote as much time, but who want to enjoy the space and the environment and the joy of growing fabulous crops.

To register interest in having an allotment plot simply send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. providing residential address, phone number and contact email address and a short statement stating the reasons why you would like a plot.

Annual rents range from £70.00 (£1.35 per week) for a full plot to £28.00 (54p per week) for a quarter plot.

Once registration is confirmed prospective tenants will then be invited to visit the allotments at Churchfields and will be invited to view available plots as and when any become available.

Our Churchfields allotments are operated as an important part of the Charity's declared Activities.  The income from rents is used to meet the costs of maintenance and any surplus is used to benefit those in need in Weybridge.