How You Can Help (Donate)

How to Make a Donation Today

You can make a donation to assist the work of the Weybridge Land Charity in meeting its charter for the residents of KT13 by following the link in the top right corner of this page. Any gift is greatly appreciated and will benefit those in need in its entirety.

As a matter of good practice, we aim to acknowledge and thank donors for their gifts within 48 hours. If you wish to remain anonymous Weybridge Land Charity respects that wish. The alternative way of giving is to make a transfer to the charity’s CAF bank account detailed below.


Making Regular Donations

For a host of reasons people and businesses often seek to give regularly to sustain charitable work. The banking details below can be supplied to your bank when creating a standing order for such donations. If you are considering such support the trustees would love to speak to you to learn what your aspirations for your gifts are. You can contact the Charity administrator via the email or by post (see below).


Leaving a Legacy

Leaving a gift to the Weybridge Land Charity in your will can help the Charity make a real difference to those in need in Weybridge. To discuss opportunities for both attributed and unattributed donations for general or specified purposes in our Weybridge community please contact the Charity.

A Trustee will be pleased to discuss in strict confidence how the Charity could best help you achieve your particular wishes in the most effective way. To request a private conversation please contact the Charity administrator.

By Email:

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By Post:

Weybridge Land Charity. Allotments Gate, Curzon Road, Weybridge, Surrey, KTl3 8UN

Weybridge Charity’s Bank Details
If you wish to make a direct donation to the Charity, our bank details are:

Account name: Weybridge Land Charity
Sort Code: 40-52-40
Account number: 00016911

Gift Aid

Weybridge Land Charity is registered with HMRC and approved to receive Gift Aid on top of applicable donations made by UK taxpayers directly to the Charity. By confirming your personal details with Weybridge Charity and confirming you are a UK taxpayer you can increase the value of your gift by 25% at no cost to yourself. You can download/complete a Gift Aid declaration by following this link. Again many thanks for considering this supplemental support.

Tax Deductibility

Above and beyond Gift Aid, some individuals and businesses are able to benefit from making gifts to charities and in effect reduce their taxable income. For details on this form of giving, or support under your Corporate Social Responsibility policy we would advise that you seek independent financial and legal advice. Again Weybridge Land Charity Trustees would be delighted to discuss projects or specific community goals that would assist you or your business meet these aspirations and directly assist those in need, distress or hardship throughout KT13.

Regardless of how you want to support the Weybridge Land Charity we always urge you to seek independent financial and legal advice.